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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 1 Week 3

Welcome to our new student Lucy Crooks

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana

From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.

When you enrol your child at Riversdale School, to be identified as a Maori student on the Ministry database, Maori must be written as your child’s first ethnicity. If it is not, Edge (our enrolment programme) automatically identifies students as NZ/European. If your family has Maori heritage and you would like to ensure your child is identified as Maori, please text/phone the school on 027 555 3534, or email the office at so we can change this on your child’s enrolment details. If you have any questions about this, please phone Kay, or Pam in the office.

School Docs

All Riversdale School Policies and Procedures are available for Parents/Caregivers to view on the School Docs website. To access this site please follow the instructions below.

Click ‘Search for your school’

Start typing the schools name then select it from the drop-down list. Enter the username and password.

Username: riversdale

Password: excellence

Riversdale School Charter

In 2020 we had a target in our Charter that ‘By the end of 2020, all Years 3-8

students will increase their knowledge and achievement in the use of fraction


We are delighted to share that all students met this target due to the explicit teaching by all staff and the fantastic Professional Development we received throughout the year from the maths facilitator. We were very fortunate that the Board has funded Numeracy Professional Development for the staff over the past few years.

This year our new Charter Target is: by the end of 2021 70% of the students at Riversdale School will be at or above the expected level for writing. We have the Literacy Facilitator working with us this year providing professional development for all staff.

Board Meeting

The following matters were discussed at the Board meeting on Monday 22nd February.

  • Sofia Wall has been employed as our new Teachers-aide.

  • A playground assessment has been done and quite a few changes are needed.

  • The 2021 Charter was presented.

  • School wide Reading, Writing and Maths data was presented from Term 4, 2020. These reports are on the school notice board if you want to look at them.

  • The 2020 Technology Report was presented to the Board. You are welcome to view a copy of this at school. Students achievement in these units of work was very pleasing.


If you have enrolled your child to play cricket, please send $20 cash to school in a named envelope. Also please let your child’s teacher know so they can send home a Riversdale t-shirt with your child.


School swimming begins on Monday 1 March. Children swim every day until the final session on Monday 15 March. Children need to ensure they bring their togs, towel and goggles every day. If they are not swimming they MUST have a note. The most progress is seen when children swim every day across this period of time.

Below is the swimming timetable. Parent helpers are greatly appreciated to maximise children’s time in the pool. If you are able to help out at any of these times (even if it is not your child’s class) please let the school or classroom teacher know.

Room 1 - 10:30am until 11:10am, Room 3 - 11:10am until 11:50am, Room 4 - 11:50am until 12:30pm

Room 5 - 12:30pm until 1:00pm, Room 7 - 10:00am until 10:30am

Children are often hungrier than usual after swimming so an extra sandwich or more lunch may be required while children are swimming daily.


WHERE: Balfour Sports Grounds

WHEN: Thursday 4th March (Postponement date is Friday 5th March)

Please arrive at 8.45am. Events start promptly at 9am.

TRANSPORT: Parents/Caregivers, friends and family are asked to transport their child to Balfour and support their child/ren if they are available. For any parents who cannot attend, buses will run as normal and drop children off at school. They will also run after school to transport children home. You must let your child’s bus driver know if they are not going to be on the bus on sports day please. A staff member will stay at school until all buses have arrived to transport any bus children to Balfour. You must also let the school know if your child needs a ride to Athletics, so we know who to expect.


  • All children will be given a Riversdale t-shirt to wear on the day and need to wear black shorts. After Athletics Day the t-shirts must be washed and returned to school. Children can wear face paint, hair ribbons etc., in the colour of their school house to support their house.

  • Water Bottle.

  • Lunch and snacks for the day (or money if purchasing lunch).

  • Sunscreen/sunhat.

  • Sneakers (your child will not be able to compete in throwing events without covered in footwear).

Fosbury Flop

Please note, according to Southland Athletics regulations, any children aged 10 years and above, who have had Fosbury Flop training by a qualified coach will be permitted to use this technique on Athletics Day. All other children must use the scissor kick technique.

Coming Up This Term …

Monday 1March to Monday 15 March - Reap Swimming every day for all children.

Thursday 4 March - Waimea Athletics at Balfour.

Thursday 11 March - Northern Athletics at Lumsden.

Wednesday 17 March - Netball South 1:30pm until 3:00pm.

Thursday 18, Friday 19, Monday 22 March - Harold Sessions.

Monday 22 March - Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm.

Thursday 25 March Sarah – Sports Activator working with all children.

Tuesday 30 March to Thursday 1 April - Year 5/6 Camp to Tautuku.

Tuesday 30 March - Steel visit.

Friday 2 April - Good Friday (School Closed).

Monday 5 April - Easter Monday (School Closed).

Tuesday 6 April - Southland Anniversary day (School Closed).

Thursday 15 April - Community Assembly in the Hall, 1.30pm. All welcome.

Funding Available for Community Projects

Does your initiative or project need a financial boost? Good news – applications are open for your local Community Partnership Fund. Administered by Southland’s District Council’s nine community boards, application forms and criteria can be viewed online at



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