Welcome to our new student Jessica Mann
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
This week has flown by with all children participating in REAP swimming, practicing athletics, and the Years 5 and 6 class preparing for camp. Room 7 is off to Pounawea on Monday 24th for school camp. The children are very excited, and will have an action packed couple of days. A huge thank you to all the parents who have supported with preparation for camp. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Our theme for the year is Kindness. We will be reminding children to act with kindness throughout the school day and to seek opportunities where they can show kindness towards others both inside and outside of school. Random acts of kindness go a long way, and it has been wonderful to see children demonstrating kindness in a range of ways.
Coming Up This Term …
Friday 21 February - Cricket lessons for all classes.
Friday 21 February - Prime lamb and calf competition. 6pm Riversdale Sports Grounds.
Monday 24 - 26 February - Years 5 and 6 Camp to Pounawea.
Tuesday 25 February - Year 7 vision testing.
Thursday 27 - 28 February - REAP swimming lessons both days.
Monday 02 March - Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm at the school. All welcome.
Thursday 5 March - Waimea Athletics at Riversdale. Postponement 6th.
Friday 6 March - Community Assembly in the Hall. All welcome.
Monday 9 - 11 March - Harold and the Life Education Van at school.
Thursday 12 March - Northern Athletics at Lumsden.
Monday 16 March - PAT/STAR/e-asTTle assessment week.
Friday 20 March - Northern Swimming.
Tuesday 24 March - Year 8 HPV vaccinations.
Thursday 26 March - Sports Activator Sarah will work with all classes.
Monday 30, Tuesday - Nutrition education Years 5 – 8, 31 March.
Thursday 2 April - Community Assembly. All welcome.
Sunday 5 - 9 April Years 7 and 8 Camp to Deep Cove.
Friday 10 April Good Friday. School Closed for the holidays.
Monday 27 April School Closed. ANZAC Day Observed.
Tuesday 28 April First day of Term 2.
Athletics Day
Children have begun Athletics practice at school in preparation for Waimea Athletics which will be held at the Riversdale Sports Grounds on Thursday 5th March (postponement Friday 6th March). All children attend and family and friends are encouraged to come along and support their child/ren if they are available. More information will be in the newsletter next week.
School Swimming

School swimming with the REAP instructor continues tomorrow (Friday 21 February) and next Thursday 27th and Friday 28th February. Please ensure your child has their togs each day and extra lunch as children are often hungrier after swimming. Teachers will then advise which day of the week your child/ren will continue class swimming.
Parent help is greatly appreciated and maximizes students time in the pool. If you are able to help on Friday 21st February, Thursday 27th February or Friday 28th February at any of the times below, please let the corresponding teacher know.
10.00am-10.30am - Room 1 (Tiffany Przewieda)
10.30am-11.00am - Room 7 (Lyn Jackson)
11.00am-11.40am - Room 3 (Kate Stiven)
11.40am-12.20pm - Room 4 (Jessica Stevenson)
12.20pm-1.00pm - Room 5 (Katie Blatch and Danielle Stiven)
Riversdale School Hats and Hoodies
Parents who wish to purchase their child/ren a Riversdale School sunhat or hoodie can order these through Southern Workwear, Gore. Sunhats are $20.70 and hoodies are $45.00.
Hi-Vis Vests
The Home and School gifted each student a yellow hi-vis vest last year. Going forward all new enrolments will also be gifted a hi-vis vest. All children are required to wear their vest to school and home from school for safety purposes. If your child loses or outgrows their vest, please purchase your child a new yellow vest. Any yellow hi vis vest is acceptable.
Speed Shears
Riversdale Home and School are cooking and selling hot chips from 4.30pm at the Speed Shears this Saturday 22nd February at the Riversdale Sports Grounds. If anyone is available to help for any period of time between 4.30pm and 6.30pm it would be greatly appreciated. If you are available to help out please contact Wendy Scully on 0274440438.
Resene swap a can of food for a test pot of paint is back again for the month of February. The school would greatly appreciate any donations of canned food that we could swap for test pots of paints to increase the school’s art supplies.
Prime Lamb and Calf Competition - February 21st, 2020
Riversdale School receives half the proceeds of this major fundraiser. It is a great family BBQ evening at the Riversdale Sports Grounds on Friday 21st February starting at 6:00pm. It would be great to see you all there supporting this event. Everyone is most welcome.
ChatBus Invercargill proudly presents NIGEL LATTA (ONZM)
Parenting through primary and secondary years
Clinical Psychologist, author, television presenter, Parenting App creator and all around funny bugger who provides entertaining and informative insights and advice on the mind field that is parenting.
When: Thursday, 27th February 2020
Starts: 7pm
Where: Civic Theatre, Tay Street, Invercargill
Ticket price: $25
Tickets available from: ICC Booking Office, 101 Esk Street, Invercargill
Phone: 032 111 692 (additional booking fees may apply)
Web: www.ticketdirect.co.nz