Welcome to our new student Edie Gaines
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
Our theme for the year is Kindness. It is great to see all of the learning around this throughout the school. Students have been working on acting with kindness and seeking opportunities to show kindness to others throughout the day.
Pounawea Camp
Room 7 had a blast on camp at Pounawea this week. The children went to the museum, learnt about the ship wrecks, explored insects, went kayaking, horse riding, and on lots of lovely bush walks. A highlight was floundering and exploring the beach. The children made everyone proud with their resilience and gave everything their all. We even received great feedback on how well-mannered our students were.
A huge thank you to all the parent helpers. You were a great team and ensured camp ran smoothly. We really appreciate your support.
Coming Up This Term
Thursday 27 - 28 February - REAP swimming lessons both days.
Monday 02 March - Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm at the school. All welcome.
Thursday 5 March - Waimea Athletics at Riversdale. Postponement 6th.
Friday 6 March - Community Assembly in the Hall. All welcome.
Monday 9 - 11 March - Harold and the Life Education Van at school.
Thursday 12 March - Northern Athletics at Lumsden.
Monday 16 March - PAT/STAR/e-asTTle assessment week.
Friday 20 March - Northern Swimming
Tuesday 24 March - Year 8 HPV vaccinations.
Thursday 26 March - Sports Activator Sarah will work with all classes.
Monday 30, Tuesday - Nutrition education Years 5 – 8, 31 March.
Thursday 2 April - Community Assembly, all welcome
Sunday 5 - 9 April - Years 7 and 8 Camp to Deep Cove.
Friday 10 April - Good Friday. School Closed for the holidays.
Monday 27 April - School Closed. ANZAC Day Observed.
Tuesday 28 April -First day of Term 2.
Athletics Day Thursday 5th March 2020

All students must meet at the Riversdale Sports Grounds at 8.40am on Thursday 5th March (postponement Friday 6th March).
Parents/Caregivers, friends and family are encouraged to attend and support their child/ren if they are available. For any parents who cannot attend, buses will run as normal and drop children off at school. A staff member will stay at school until all buses have arrived to transport any bus children down to the Riversdale Sports Grounds. Children need to ensure they bring their sunhat, drink bottle and warm clothes for between events in case the weather is cold. Children can bring a packed lunch or purchase food from the canteen catered by Riversdale Home and School. All children will be given a Riversdale t-shirt to wear on the day and need to wear black shorts. After Athletics Day the t-shirts must be washed and returned to school. Children can wear face paint, hair ribbons etc. in the colour of their school house to support their house. Covered in footwear is essential for throwing events. Children assemble in front of the Sports Pavilion in their age group at 8.55am. Five and six year old’s will be taken over to the Junior programme.
Note: Ages are taken on 31st December 2019.
Home and School
Riversdale Home and School are catering for the athletics again this year.
We will do another bake stall, so we ask if parents could please donate a plate of baking. The committee will be at school to collect baking after school on Wednesday 4th. Baking can also be delivered to the kitchen at the sports ground on Thursday 5th.
We will also need some volunteers in the kitchen to help serve at lunchtime. If you are able to help could you, please let Kylie Tayles know (027 223 4230).
Menu (please bring cash): Beef Burgers $5 (with a thicker pattie than last year), Sausage in Bread $2, Hot Chips $4, Water $2, Homemade Baking $1. We are hoping to have the coffee cart there again also.
Pool Meeting 7.30 pm Tuesday 3rd March in the staffroom – all welcome.
Riversdale School Hats and Hoodies - Parents who wish to purchase their child/ren a Riversdale School sunhat or hoodie can order these through Southern Workwear, Gore. Sunhats are $20.70 and hoodies are $45.00.
Hi-Vis vests
The Home and School gifted each student a yellow hi-vis vest last year. Going forward all new enrolments will also be gifted a hi-vis vest. All children are required to wear their vest to school and home from school for safety purposes. If your child loses or outgrows their vest, please purchase your child a new yellow vest. Any yellow hi vis vest is acceptable.
Eastern Hockey
Hockey like all sports in New Zealand is making changes which will see, from next year, all Years 7 and 8 hockey played as 7 aside on half a turf - 6 field players and a Goalie.
In preparation for this Eastern and Invercargill are working on a Proposal how we can make this change as smooth as possible, while still providing a quality experience for your child.
The proposal is as below but until we both see our numbers we won't be settling on a format for this year.
Year 8 playing 11 aside hockey.
Year 7 playing 7 aside hockey, which also may include some Years 8 who want to play. Games will be 20 minute halves.
All players will have the ability to play up or down if needed to field a team, except Year 8 who are graded (example played hatch or collier last year).
All grades will be played on a Sunday morning.
All teams will still practice during the week, possible two 7 aside teams will practice together.
Registrations are now open, please follow the below link. Registrations will close on the 5th March to give us time to work with Invercargill and then make the teams up.
Some key dates
Competition starts on Sunday 26thApril.
Preseason Training from the 12thMarch till the 14th May from 4: 30pm until 5:30pm.
Collier and Festival Boys and Girls Trials
Thursday 18th June 1stTrial.
Thursday 25th June 2nd Trial.
Weekend of the 21st June all Eastern teams will play in Gore for selectors to watch.