Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
Remind your child about showing kindness, which is our focus for the year.
Kindness is an incredibly powerful way to show you are united against COVID-19.

Riversdale School is following Ministry guidelines as they are updated around COVID-19. We are encouraging safe hygiene practices by getting all staff and students to wash their hands before school, before morning tea, and before lunch. The desks, door handles, and light switches are also being cleaned daily. Below is some information from the Ministry of Education We encourage all students to stay home if they are unwell and have any of these symptoms
- a fever. - cough. - shortness of breath. - sneezing or a runny nose. Reminder – Schools Remain Open At this stage, we are not expecting widespread school closures. We are planning for temporary closures, like what is happening at Logan Park School but as the World Health Organisation has confirmed, the risk to children remains low and parents should continue to send their children to schools and early learning centres. Consequently any decisions about school closures will be made on a case by case basis. In the meantime, unless students are unwell themselves, then parents should keep sending them to schools and early learning centres as these environments continue to be safe and the best place for them to continue their learning.
Talking to Children and Young People about COVID-19 Given the rise in the number of reported cases, there may be children or young people in your life who experience distress. As a trusted adult, you can help reassure and educate them about COVID-19 – it can be good to talk to them now, so they can understand the illness and be reassured. Riversdale School Postponements and Cancellations
· Northern Swimming, Friday 20 March, cancelled.
· The Pool Party on Friday 27th March has been postponed. They will look into trying again in Term 4.
· Years 3 – 8 visit to the Dairy Farm on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March, cancelled.
· Community Assembly, Thursday 2 April, cancelled.
Gumboot Friday!!!
On Friday 3rd April, Riversdale School will be participating in Gumboot Friday. Wear your gumboots to school and bring a gold coin donation!
Gumboot Friday Information
WHAT IS GUMBOOT FRIDAY? Gumboot Friday is I am Hope’s annual fundraising appeal, which aims to raise $5 million dollars for FREE kids counselling. Anyone and everyone in Aotearoa and beyond is invited to take part. All you need is a fun attitude! Every cent you contribute goes directly to the registered counsellors.
Having depression is like walking through mud every day. So on Friday 3 April 2020, we asked you to show your support, put your gumboots on, give a gold coin, and take a walk in their shoes for just one day.
It's a fun way for kiwis to join in the mental health conversation, while raising money to provide FREE and timely counselling for any young person in need.
Coming Up This Term …
Tuesday 24 March, Year 8 HPV vaccinations.
Thursday 26 March, Sports Activator Sarah will work with all classes.
Monday 30 March, Nutrition Education Years 5 - 8.
Tuesday 31 March, Nutrition Education Years 5 – 8.
Friday 3 April, Gumboot Friday. Gold coin donation.
Sunday 5 - 9 April, Years 7 and 8 Camp to Deep Cove.
Friday 10 April, Good Friday. School Closed for the holidays.
Monday 27 April, School Closed. ANZAC Day Observed.
Tuesday 28 April, First day of Term 2.
Pool fundraiser price list:
Food wrap 300m x 33cm = $23
600m x 33cm = $35
Roll foil 90m x 44cm = $22
150m x 30cm = $22
Baking paper 100m x 30cm = $30