Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
We are saddened to hear of the death of Wendy Lobb. Wendy was our beautiful bus driver for the Wendon Bus, that Michael currently drives. Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathy are with Michael and his family at this time.
The Riversdale School Kapa Haka were outstanding when they performed their Waiata at the Pyramid Bridge opening on Friday 26th June. The students made us feel very proud and we received lovely feedback about their performance.
This week all classes had a session with Felicia, from St John, to learn about injury prevention. Junior students learnt about how to recognise dangers, prevent falls, and use appropriate safety equipment. Senior students learnt about types of injuries, exploring risks, and managing injuries.
This afternoon we had our first Community Assembly for the term, and it was outstanding. It was so great to see each class showcase what they have been learning this term at school.
Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 20th July ready for an action packed term of learning.
Ka kite ano
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Next Term on Friday 24 July, school reports will be sent home. Following this there will be Parent, teacher, student conferences on Monday 27 July and Tuesday 28 July. These conferences are a great way to discuss your child’s learning and next steps and to see what they have been up to in the classroom. Please fill in the form on School Stream. Times will then be allocated and confirmed.
Values Certificates
In our weekly Newsletter we will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient and responsible, at Riversdale School. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.
Pool Keys
Please return all Swimming Pool keys to the School Office as soon as possible. Coming Up This Term …
Friday 3rd July Last day of Term 2.
Monday 20th July First day of Term 3.
If you wish to order or purchase, please contact the school.
Food wrap 300m x 33cm = $23
600m x 33cm = $35
Roll foil 90m x 44cm = $22
150m x 30cm = $22
Baking paper 100m x 30cm = $30