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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 2 Week 5

Welcome: Jaxson and Harrison McCleery, Sarvin Patel Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whānau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana

(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)

This week we were lucky enough to see the Rumpelstiltskin show presented by New Zealand Play House. We also had Martin Chatterton visit to talk about being an author and illustrator. He drew some students as characters and was very inspirational.

School Disco

We will be having a school disco for the students on Friday 25th June from 6.30pm – 8.00pm in the School Hall. There will be awesome music and disco lights! Lollies, chocolate, chips and fizz will be available to purchase, so bring along some coins.

We ask all parents to please pop into Room 7 once you drop your child/ren off at the disco to contribute your ideas to the Board for strategic planning. Please see the information below.

Board Corner

Kia ora Whanau,

The Board would love to hear your ideas about how you would like Riversdale School to 'look and be like' in 5 years time.

Can you please have a think about

1. What we do well currently.

2. What else we could do.

Under the following 3 areas

1. Teaching and learning.

2. Staff and learning resources.

3. Community involvement/pride.

We are asking that after you have dropped your children off at the school disco, you pop into Room 7 and share your ideas. This is a great opportunity to have your say in shaping the direction of the school for the next 4 - 5 years. We look forward to hearing your ideas.

Community Assembly

On Thursday 1 July we will be having a Community Assembly in the School Hall at 1.30pm. Room 5 will be hosting this assembly and all classes will share what they have been learning this term. Everyone is welcome to come along and see what the children have been learning.

School Values Awards

At Riversdale School children are awarded House Points for displaying the school values of; respectful, responsible, and resilient. Children are working towards achieving values targets.

50 House Points = Bronze Values Award

100 House Points = Silver Values Award

150 House Points = Gold Values Award

Congratulation to Renee, Georgia, Amanda, Nicole, Zyrhon, Eilish, Eden, Dakota, Evie and Ashlyn who have received their Bronze School Values Award for earning 50 House Points in 2021. Ka Pai!

Values Certificates

We will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.

Room 1 Amelia T, Isabella, George.

Room 3 Maisy, Priyah, Meila.

Room 4 Lachie, Kate, Cruz.

Room 5 Leo, Georgia, Winter.

Room 7 Carter, Eden, Zeke.

Waimea Cross Country Results

Congratulations to all students who participated in cross country and tried their best.

5 Years

Boys: Zac Johnstone 1st, Leo Watson 2nd, Leigh Tremaine 3rd

Girls: Aroha Watson-Gibson 1st, Lucy Crooks 3rd

6 Years

Boys:Cruz Davidson 1st, Fergus Blacktopp 2nd, George Houghton 4th, Jimmy Blatch 5th

Girls: Izzy Deans 1st, Kate Cruickshank 2nd, Evie Stirling 3rd, Lucy Marshall 4th,

Winter Godsall 5th

7 Years

Boys: Sam Rossiter 3rd

Girls: Lexi McNamee 1st, Jessie Polglaze 2nd, Maggie Brown 3rd, Ella Johnstone 5th

8 Years

Boys: Campbell Tremaine 2nd, Cooper McKee 6th

Girls: Maisy Jackson 1st, Georgia Martin 2nd, Ashlyn Dillon 3rd, Rubee Gerken 6th

9 Years

Boys: Archie Jackson 1st, Mason McBeath 3rd, Tom Davidson 4th, Lachlan Blatch 6th

Girls: Meila Scully 2nd, Amanda Cruickshank 3rd, Ella Hammond 4th, Nicole Polglaze 6th

10 Years

Boys: Jayden McLeay 3rd, Brendan McLeay 4th

Girls: Livy Stratford 3rd

11 Years

Boys: Jack Davidson 1st, Ryan Wing 3rd, George Hammond 4th, Rylan Dillon 5th

Girls: Stella Clarkson 1st, Khloe Robins 2nd, Sapphira Moncur-Cook 4th,

Isabella Houghton 5th

12 Years

Boys: Blaine Dillon 1st, Liam McLeay 2nd, Jake Eden 3rd, Carter Stratford and

Ben Davis 4th =

Girls: Renee Pomare 1st, Bille-Mya Matthews 2nd, Ebony Eden 3rd, Hennessy Stevens 4th

13 Years

Boys: Charlie Lawrence 1st, Quinn Campbell 2nd, Adam Wing 3rd, Eden Smith 4th,

Dakota Stevens 5th, Lachie Smith 6th

Girls: Eilish Greene 1st, Bella Gray 2nd

Coming Up…

Monday 7 June - Queen’s Birthday observed – school closed. Tuesday 8 June - Teacher Only Day. School closed to students.

Wednesday 9 June - Support Staff Day. Friday 18 June - Southland Cross Country at the Waimumu Field Days site.

Wednesday 23 June - Home and School AGM 7.30pm. All welcome.

Friday 25 June - School Disco 6.30pm-8pm in the School Hall.

Friday 25 June - Strategic planning with the Board in Room 7 from 6.30pm.

All welcome.

Wednesday 30 June - Board of Trustees Meeting, 4:00pm at the school.

Thursday 1 July - Community Assembly in the School Hall, hosted by Room 5, commencing at 1.30pm.

All Welcome.

Monday 5 July - Thursday 8 July - Year 7/8 camp.

Freeze Ya Bits Off Busking

Our fabulous cowboys and cowgirls sang the most amazing repertoire of pure country tunes at the Freeze Ya Bits Off Busking Competition for the Gold Guitars today. People on the street were extremely generous. Many thanks to Kimberley Harper, Katie Blatch, and Whaea Carol for preparing these children to perform so well.

Support Staff Day

Wednesday 9 June is Support Staff Day. We would like to acknowledge the amazing job all our support staff do at school. You are all fantastic!



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