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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 2 Week 6

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.


Diary this date: Matariki Breakfast – You Are Invited

We are celebrating Matariki (Maori New Year) with breakfast for all tamariki (children), whanau and parents in our school hall on Tuesday 25 June, arriving at 7.15am for a 7.30am start. Children are learning some waiata and will perform these for you. You don’t need to bring any food along, however you will need to bring a cereal bowl, spoon, and cup. We look forward to having you join us. After breakfast is finished you can collect your child’s dishes up, and leave your child/ren here ready for the start of school. More information will come out in a newsletter closer to the time.

Northern Cross Country

We send our best wishes for a big effort to all those children who competed at the Northern Cross Country today. Results will be in next weeks newsletter.

Board of Trustee news from the last meeting, Monday 27 May.

The Board met at 7.30pm, and the following items were discussed:

· The roll is currently 108 children.

· Wayne Duncan and Michelle Coyle are doing some part time work relieving in the school.

· Juliet Odicta, our cleaner, is on leave and Axille Abuel is our wonderful relief cleaner.

· The Board confirmed the Principal’s attendance at the NZPF Conference in the last week of

Term 2.

· The Principal presented a summary of progress against the targets in the Annual Plan.

· The Emotional Safety Survey will be done by all children later this term, with results collated and presented to the Board and Parents.

· Parent/Child/Teacher conferences will take the format of 15 minute interview times in the last week of this term. Parents will select a time on School Stream to meet with their child/ren’s teacher/s.

· The following Curriculum Reports were discussed – Basic Facts Term 1, Multiplication/Division Strategies Term 1, PAT Maths Term 1, Fraction Strategies Term 1, Addition/Subtraction Strategies Term 1, Reading Conversations Term 1, STAR Term 1. These are displayed on the school noticeboard for parents to view.

· The Health and Safety Survey Results were discussed. There was a great return of questionnaires. This is displayed on the noticeboard at the office for parents to view. The Board acknowledged the feedback received.

· The school is using Schooldocs to update all policies and procedures.

· Electrical compliance testing was completed in the holidays.

· Half of the hedge cutting and clean-up has been completed.

· Blinds have been installed in Room 4.

· The EEO Policy was reviewed and rolled over for another year.

· Chatbus – a meeting is being held to update schools who have opted in to this, on 19th June. Funding the start up for this is on the agenda. Further information will follow after the meeting.

· The STA publication held information about the teaching content of the sexuality education component in Health Programmes. The Board suggested this go into the Newsletter for parents information. Parents will be notified before teaching of these programmes commences in Term 3.

· School Camps. After receiving feedback from parents there was a lengthy discussion about the cost and parental commitment towards school camps. Originally the minimum number of parents were subsidized by the children to make the camp viable. This subsidy was then spread across all parents so all parents received a ‘discounted’ cost for the camp. As costs have escalated, it increased the cost of all children attending by a significant amount. For example, if Deep Cove costs $200 per parent, and we need 5 parents for safe ratios, this equals $1000.00 which would be split between all the children adding on an addition $40 if it was a class of 25 children. Because of this for the past number of years we have adopted a ‘user pays’ system. The Board acknowledges the cost, both financially and in time away from home and jobs, the additional contribution of food requested, and the work done by the parents at camp; it certainly is not a holiday.

The following points were talked about:

- Alternating camps so that there is one ‘expensive’ camp (Deep Cove) and others are $100 or less.

- Having fewer camps – children only go in Year 7 and 8, or Year 6’s camp and Year 8’s camp.

- Having shorter camps – 3 days in length.

- Guidelines of camps being held – timeframe and approximate costs.

- It is a parent responsibility to fundraise for camps – teachers are not involved.

The Board decision made at this time was that due to the increasing cost of some camps, the status quo would remain.

· Working Bees and Support for the School

A lengthy discussion was held regarding support for school activities such as working bees, and fundraising. The Board noted that it seems to be the same small group of families that always support the school. In the case of the hedge clipping clean up, only approximately four families were present. Consequently, it has not been finished. The Board discussed the barriers to families helping, noting that they have alternated week days with weekends, and there was a poor response. They have tried different times, and there was still a poor response. Fundraising tends to be the same. Therefore, they decided to survey the community and present some options, seeking feedback about what stops folk from coming along to support their child/ren’s school.

The next meeting will be on Monday 1 July at 7.30pm. The new Board will take office, and departing Board members will be thanked and farewelled. All parents are welcome to attend.


In today's fast-changing world, it is critical that schools and parents grapple with the impact of increasing pressures on young people's wellbeing generated by factors such as cyberbullying, sexual consent issues and widespread access to pornography. In terms of the school's curriculum, these issues are part of the Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum.


Since 2015, the HPE curriculum has been modified to support a holistic approach to wellbeing across the curriculum, including sexuality education. This holistic approach includes physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.

Sexuality education is strongly connected to learning about healthy relationships and self-care. This approach contrasts with the old-style 'sex education' many adults remember, which covered only the physical aspects of sexual and reproductive knowledge. If you're thinking this is only relevant to secondary schools, you're wrong. Sexuality and relationship education is one of seven key areas of learning in the HPE learning area of the New Zealand Curriculum. It must be included in teaching programmes at both primary and secondary school levels, using the strands and achievement objectives outlined in the curriculum:


Junior Primary (Years 1 – 3)

Students will learn about:

· Growth.

· Development.

· The human body.

· Friendships.

· Family relationships.

Students will:

· Take action to support the wellbeing of others.

· Learn friendship skills.

· Learn about basic human rights in relation to relationships and identity.

· Learn to express feelings and how they contribute to positive and inclusive environments.

Middle and Upper Primary (Years 4 - 6)

Students will learn about:

· Pubertal change.

· Body growth and development (maybe including human reproduction).

· How to support themselves and others during change, and develop a positive body image.

Students will:

· Describe how social messages and stereotypes about relationships, sexuality and gender affect wellbeing.

· Actively affirm the rights of themselves and others.

· Reflect on friendships and plan strategies for positive and supportive relationships.

· Identify risks and issues in online and social media environments and question messages related

to gender, sexuality and diversity.

· Identify how to access healthcare.

Intermediate (Years 7 – 8)

Students will learn about:

· How to support themselves and others during pubertal change and develop a positive body image.

· Intimate relationships and sexual attraction.

· Respect and communication skills.

· Processes of conception and childbirth.

Students will:

· Identify healthcare resources in the community.

· Critically explore how gender and sexuality messages affect wellbeing.

· Plan strategies to support inclusion, diversity and respect in friendships and relationships (including in online environments).

· Analyse how sexuality is represented in social media and mass media and critique dominant messages.

· Develop assertiveness skills and recognise instances of bullying and discrimination.

· Question and discuss gender norms.

Pool Committee Meeting

Monday 10 June, 7pm in the school staffroom

All pool users are asked to attend please

New School Phone Number – 027 555 3534. Please delete all previous numbers and only use this number, or the landline, to contact the school for messages, absences, or to talk with staff. The landline is still 03 2025 814.

Please return all pool keys to the School. Thank you.

Coming up this term:

Monday 10 June Pool Meeting 7pm in the school staffroom. All users attend please.

Monday 10/17/24 June Senior children at badminton skills sessions.

Wednesday 19 June Home and School AGM.

Friday 21 June Southland Cross Country at Waimumu.

Thursday 27 June Community Assembly at 1.30pm in the school hall.

Friday 28 June School Reports and children’s workbooks are sent home.

Monday 1 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Tuesday 2 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Friday 5 July Last day of Term 2.

Monday 22 July Term 3 starts.

Thursday 25 July John Parsons, Cybersafety expert, at school working with teachers and children. Parents also welcome to come along.

Home and School AGM, Wednesday 19 June, Waikaia Hotel.

Meal at 6pm, followed by the meeting at 7.30pm.



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