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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 2 Week 7

Farewell to Zakylah and Preston Hyde

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Northern Cross Country

Northern Cross Country Results


8 Year Boys Hamish Kerr 3rd, Hunter Mackey 4th, Jayden McLeay 7th.

9 Year Girls Khloe Robins 7th.

9 Year Boys Jack Davidson 1st, Ryan Wing 6th.

10 Year Boys Blaine Dillon 3rd, Jake Eden 8th.

11 Year Boys Quinn Campbell 3rd.

13 Year Girls Heidi Clarkson 4th.

13 Year Boys Flynn Reed 1st, Fabrice Frei 5th.

Diary this date: Matariki Breakfast – You Are Invited

We are celebrating Matariki (Maori New Year) with breakfast for all tamariki (children), whanau and parents in our school hall on Tuesday 25 June, arriving at 7.15am for a 7.30am start. Children are learning some waiata and will perform these for you. You don’t need to bring any food along, however you will need to bring a cereal bowl, spoon, and cup. We look forward to having you join us. After breakfast is finished you can collect your child’s dishes up, and leave your child/ren here ready for the start of school. More information will come out in a newsletter closer to the time.

Pool Meeting:

This was held on Monday 10 in the staffroom. Please remember that you can buy food wrap, baking paper and foil as a fundraiser for the pool from the school. Fill in the order form below. Please return all pool keys to the School. Thank you.

Riversdale School and Community Pool Fundraiser Contact the School to order

Foodwrap (in box with cutter)

330mm wide x 300mtrs - $22.59

330mm wide x 600mtrs - $34.76

Roll Foil (in box)

440mm wide x 90mtrs - $21.82

300mm wide x 150mtrs - $21.82

Baking Paper (in box)

300mm wide x 100mtrs - $29.14

New School Phone Number – 027 555 3534. Please delete all previous numbers and only use this number, or the landline, to contact the school for messages, absences, or to talk with staff. The landline is still 03 2025 814.

Coming up this term:

Wednesday 19 June Home and School AGM.

Friday 21 June Southland Cross Country at Waimumu.

Thursday 27 June Community Assembly at 1.30pm in the school hall.

Friday 28 June School Reports and children’s workbooks are sent home.

Monday 1 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Tuesday 2 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Friday 5 July Last day of Term 2.

Monday 22 July Term 3 starts.

Thursday 25 July John Parsons, Cybersafety expert, at school working with teachers and children. Parents are invited to come to the evening meeting.

Riversdale Home and School Association AGM

Wednesday 19 June 2019 at the Waikaia Hotel, 6pm for dinner

to be followed by the Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm

Please join us for a social get together and meal followed by the Annual General Meeting.

The Home and School raises funds to provide equipment and opportunities for our school community. It would be great to get together and discuss thoughts and ideas so we can keep providing wonderful resources and opportunities for our school community in 2019 and in the future.

Come along and meet parents/caregivers and teachers and have a greater family involvement at the school.

Everyone is welcome and we would love to see you all there! RSVP Jane Lawrence 027 4774101

Badminton - Come along and have fun on Tuesday's


Come along and have fun on Tuesday's

Kids: 6.30pm - 7.30pm, Adults: 7.30pm

$ 2 per night - rackets provided

For more information phone Margaret on 027 2025078 or Adrian on 027 7149410



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