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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 3 Week 3

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana

(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)

Internet Safety

With John Parsons coming to speak to the children, teachers, parents and whanau on Tuesday 24 August, I looked up some useful information that you may like to discuss with your children.

Technically, the minimum age for opening a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, or Snapchat account is 13.

Snapchat isn’t intended for children under the age of 13. Teens aged 13 - 17 should have permission from a parents or legal guardian to use the app.

John Parsons Parent Evening

On Tuesday 24 August John Parsons will be hosting a parent evening around Cyber Safety at at 6.30pm in Room 2. He is an expert at sharing advice and guidance around internet safety for children. We can supervise children in Room 3 while you attend the session. John will be working with all children during the day, and teachers after school.

Thank you to Michael Lobb for donating a storage container for the sandpit toys. It is great to have one big container the toys all fit in. We greatly appreciate your generosity.


This year is a production year. The school production will be held in Term 4 in the evening on Tuesday 7 December and Wednesday 8 December.

School Values Awards

At Riversdale School children are awarded House Points for displaying the school values of; respectful, responsible and resilient. Children are working towards achieving values targets.

50 House Points = Bronze Values Award.

100 House Points = Silver Values Award.

150 House Points = Gold Values Award.

Congratulation to Winter, Georgia, Quade and Leo who have received their Bronze School Values Award for earning 50 House Points in 2021. Ka Pai!

Values Certificates

We will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient, and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.

Room 1 Max, Stella C, Lincoln.

Room 3 Odin, Hannah, Charlie.

Room 4 Lachie, Harry, Jimmy.

Room 5 Indie, Grayson, Lucy C.

Room 7 Jack, Khloe, Blake.

Coming Up…

23 August Polyfest - Kapa haka performing in Invercargill.

23 August Board of Trustees meeting 7.30pm - school staffroom.

7 September Cultural Festival - Kapa Haka performing in Gore.

8 September Taki Rua Pourakahua show for students at school.

20 September Board of Trustees meeting 7.30pm - school staffroom.

23 September Sarah Sports Activator working with all students.

Please return Pool Keys to the School Office.



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