Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
Lockdown practice

This week we held a lockdown practice. All children and staff responded so well and followed the Riversdale School Lockdown procedure.
No Community Assembly on 20 August
Room 7 and Room 1 presented their speeches last Wednesday. Ka Pai. You all did an outstanding job! Congratulations to the children going through to Waimea Speeches.
Room 7 Mackenzie Mott, Blaine Dillon. Room 1 Amelia Nicholson, Jake Eden.
Gorgeous Art work by children attending theREAP Art course with Kathy Martin.
Accelerating Learning in Literacy (ALL) Project
We have received funding from the Ministry of Education to implement the ALL project in our school over the next two years.
In Room 5, Miss Harper is using an amazing programme called Better Start Literacy. This was what I found out about and observed while I was on my sabbatical in Term 1. It is a research project developed by Professor Gail Gillon and being trialled only in some schools in Christchurch and Auckland. We are ever so fortunate to be able to be part of the trial and implement it here. It is a very strong phonological (the sounds of letters) programme, and the research so far shows amazing gains for new entrants. Kimberley can already see the impact it is having on the children in Room 5 with their ability to hear sounds, manipulate sounds, and use of specific vocabulary. You may have noticed your child using some incredible vocabulary at home, and this will be a result of this programme. It is our hope that once the research trial is completed in 2022, the Ministry of Education will make it available to all schools.
In Room 1, Miss Przewieda is also working on phonological awareness, targeted at all children but with specific targeting of those children who have learning differences (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia). This will help accelerate their literacy as it will provide support for writing and spelling words and also for decoding (sounding out) words in text.
We are very excited to have Chris Cole, learning differences facilitator coming to work with teachers on Tuesday 8 September. This will be all around catering for children with learning differences, and ensuring their success on their journey through Riversdale School.
Chris will hold a parent information evening on Tuesday 8 September here at school from 6.30pm - 7.30pm. While I know it is a very busy time with calving and lambing, I do encourage you to make time to come along and hear what Chris has to say about Dyslexia and the other learning differences. I am sure you will find it really interesting and informative. We will meet in Room 1.
Home and School Meeting - There will be a Home and School meeting on Monday 24 August in the School Staff Room. Everyone is welcome. Please come along to support the Home and School and hear about what is happening for the rest of the year. Coming Up This Term …
Monday 17th August Board meeting, 7.30pm.
Wednesday 19 August Waimea Speeches at Riversdale School.
Monday 24 August Home and School meeting, 7.30pm in the School staffroom. All welcome.
Wednesday 2 September Speeches Area Finals, NSC starting at 6.30pm.
Thursday 3 September Sarah, Sports Activator, working with all children.
Wednesday 16 September Speeches – Grand Final, Winton, 6.30pm.
Monday 21 September Board meeting, 7.30pm.
Thursday 24 September Community Assembly in the School Hall at 1.30pm. Host Room 7.
Friday 25 September Last day of Term 3.
Values Certificates
We will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.
Room 7 Sapphira and Isabella.
Room 3 Charlie, Logan and Callum.
Room 4 Campbell, Lily and Ashlyn.
Room 5 Aaron, Ella and Winter.
Pool Fundraiser Price List
If you wish to order or purchase, please contact the school.
Food wrap 300m x 33cm = $23
600m x 33cm = $35
Roll foil 90m x 44cm = $22
150m x 30cm = $22
Baking paper 100m x 30cm = $30
Covid Level 2 Information
This is the most up to date information that has been issued by the Ministry of Education.
All of New Zealand excluding Auckland region
At Alert Level 2 it is safe for all students, children and staff to attend school and early learning. There will be appropriate precautions in place.
Children and staff who are at higher-risk of severe illness are encouraged to take additional precautions when leaving home.
Please be alert to illness and ask anyone who is presenting as unwell to go home, or ask parents and caregivers to come and pick the child up.
Messaging about good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette to be reinforced.
Soap and water is very appropriate for washing hands, particularly if hand sanitiser stocks are low.
For schools, children, young people and staff should be far enough away from each other so that they are not breathing on or touching each other, coupled with good hygiene practices and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. There does not need to be a specific measurement but where practicable and reasonable 1 metre can be used as a guide, particularly between adults.
In early learning there does not need to be a measurable physical distance between children/ tamariki or children/tamariki and staff. However adults should where practicable use 1 metre as a guide between themselves and other adults.
Physical distancing of 2 metres is recommended for parents and caregivers, from people they don’t know (to align with public health measures outside the school grounds).
School hostels will continue to operate for those boarders who are unable to safely return home. See the Alert Level 2 guidance for hostels as a reminder of what is required.
Support your community by displaying the QR code posters for the NZ COVID Tracer App.
Masks are not required at schools and early learning services at Alert levels 2 and 3.