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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 3 Week 6

Riversdale School Kapa Haka Group

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

What an uplifting experience for parents, whanau, Miss Harper, Miss Przewieda and Whaea Carol to be with our Kapa Haka group yesterday when they performed at Polyfest. They looked fantastic in their uniforms, they sang their hearts out, and they performed the Haka with great passion. Miss Harper and Whaea Carol have worked with the children this year to get them to a level that they could perform so competently. They did a fantastic performance. We are particularly impressed with the way that the Year 8 leaders have stepped up into their roles of responsibility. One of the benefits of being at Riversdale School in your Senior years are the opportunities to lead, and Kapa Haka offers this to our Seniors. The support from our wider community with this group is really appreciated.

School Lunches

We ensure that children are sitting for the first 15 minutes of lunchtime. Children must eat their sandwich/heat-up food first. After this we do not insist that they eat other food from their lunchboxes. Often children are most hungry at ‘feed and read’ time, and we are finding a number of senior children are eating all of their lunch then, and not having anything left at lunchtime. Fortunately we can give them Weetbix and milk, or cheese and crackers. We would prefer that your child has double sandwiches, so that if they are hungry at playtime they can have a sandwich then, and still have one left for lunch. Sending whole apples or pears to school is often a waste, as children take 3 bites then throw them into the bin. It may be better to only send half a piece of fruit along or a couple of cube or slices that can be quickly eaten. Teachers will let children leave the lunch area if they still have a number of wrapped ‘bars, fruit things etc.’ in their lunch boxes as long as they have eaten their sandwich.

Coming Up This Term….

Monday 2 September Shuttle time – Badminton skills learning for children.

Wednesday 4 September Years 5 and 6 PE session in Invercargill.

Friday 6 September Auditions for School Production lead roles.

Friday 13 September School Disco in the Hall – 6.30pm-8.00pm.

Children advised of Production parts.

Monday 23 September Board of Trustees Meeting 7.30pm.

Thursday 26 September Cultural Evening in the school hall, 6.30 start.

Friday 27 September Last day of Term 3.

Monday14 October First Day of Term 4.

Monday 28 October Labour Day – School closed.

Cultural Evening

On Thursday 26 September we are planning to show you the learning that has occurred over the past five weeks around Culture and Heritage. This will replace our usual end of term school assembly. We would like to show this, and end with shared kai (food) in the form of supper. We are hoping that whanau (families) belonging to our community can bring something small along for supper which reflects their culture. The timetable for the evening is:

6.30pm Children sharing their learning in classrooms. Parents and whanau visit classrooms and look at this.

6.50pm We move to the Hall where children are performing items.

7.30pm Shared kai (supper).

8.00pm Off home after an enjoyable community evening.

WANTED - Parent Help 8.45am – 9.00am - If you have a spare 15 minutes in the morning, and would like to help out, please see your child’s teacher, or Mrs Stevens. We’d love some parents to hear children read, practise basic facts, spelling words or sight words, or work on number knowledge.

St John

St John provides a valuable service for our community. We currently have six first responder volunteers who maintain this service 24/7.

We are looking for volunteers!

We need you!

If you are interested in learning more about this role please contact Dave Hurley on 027 4357238.


Once again these nasty critters are at school so, could you please check your child/ren’s hair. It is recommended that hair be checked each day, as eggs can hatch in that time. If you want information on how to treat them, contact the School office.

Fast Facts

Materials – You will need a deck of playing cards with the picture cards removed. Aces = one.

Organization – A game for two players.


Deal out half the cards to each player.

Both players lay out a card face up. The first to call the product picks up the two cards.

Ties are settled by leaving the cards on the table. The winner of the next call picks up all the cards on the table.

The winner is the player with the most cards once all the cards have been used.


Use addition or subtraction.

Removed cards which are beyond the children’s ability.

Attention Farmers!

We need your help to make the 2020 Fat Lamb and Calf Competition the best one ever. This fundraiser is held mid-February and the winner is the set of three lambs and one calf, that yields the most money. PLEASE put aside your calf and/or three lambs nice and early so you are in to win and also help support the annual major fundraiser for Riversdale School.

Contact Murray Napier on 021 475853 or Greg Reed on 027 2764410 for more information.

Riversdale Home and School

Thank you very much for supporting the recent First Aid Kit fundraiser. All of your efforts led to a profit of $1968. As a school community, you sold 210 first aid kits; great work everyone!

There a a few kits that still need to be collected. These are at the school office. Please collect these as soon as possible. Thanks.

Athletics for Term 4 starts on Tuesday the 15th October 2019, 5:30pm at Newman Park. Looking forward to seeing everyone again, new members most welcome! Any queries please contact Vicky Muir on 021 265 5712.



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