Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana
(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)
Important Covid Information
The Public Health Response Order for Mandatory Vaccinations for Education came into effect on Monday 25th October. Everyone who works at Riversdale School, who may have contact with students or will be present at a time when students are also present, must have had a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 15th November and be fully vaccinated by 1st January 2022. The Board of Trustees will ensure compliance.
This order also extends to volunteers or unpaid workers, so this will also impact our parent community. Sports coaches/managers and parent helpers on school camps or for swimming are just some examples of activities that this order applies to.
We rely heavily on our parent volunteers to ensure we can offer a wide range of opportunities for our students and are always appreciative of your support. Vaccination status, along with Police Vetting information, will be kept secure in accordance with the Privacy Act.
This order does not apply to students. It is recommended that students aged 12 and above are vaccinated but it is not compulsory. We are however required to collect vaccination status of our students aged over 12 years. We will be requesting Over 12 Years students’ vaccination status via a letter sent home. If we do not receive a response to this request, we assume that the student is not vaccinated.
Vaccination requirements for parents coming onsite
We continue to have queries regarding whether parents and caregivers coming onsite are required to be vaccinated. To clarify: parents or caregivers who are dropping off, picking up or settling their children, or who are attending meetings or events on site are still permitted to attend on site whether they are vaccinated or not. This vaccination requirement also does not apply to those who are performing services remotely or who are onsite only when children and students are not present. The requirement to be vaccinated is only for those people who are working for the school, which may be unpaid work such as volunteering. The table below will clarify. A reminder that at Alert Level 3, there should be no non-essential visitors onsite regardless of vaccination status.
Teacher Only Day - School Closed to Students
On Friday 3rd December we will be having a Teacher Only Day for staff to write school reports. School will be closed to students so you will need to arrange alternative care.
School Opening Date 2022
This is now Wednesday 9 February, as Tuesday 8 February will be a Teacher Only Day.
Year 8 Graduation Ceremony – Tuesday 14 December
Due to Covid restrictions, we have booked Croydon Lodge for the Year 8 Graduation Ceremony. The date has changed and it will now be held on Tuesday 14 December. As the gatherings rule applies we will be sending an invitation home with our Year 8 Tamariki inviting all of their whanau/family. Once we have received their numbers we will extend the invitation to the community. Under Level 2 gatherings are limited to 100, but I am sure everyone who wishes to attend this lovely and very special event will be able to.
Board of Trustees News
At the last meeting of the Board held on Monday 8 November the following matters were discussed:
BDO have been engaged as the school auditor for the next three years. They do a superb job, mostly because of Pam’s amazing preparation of our annual accounts.
Powernet changed the pool power supply from single phase to three phase, as required by the heat pump installation.
The hedge has been removed. It will be replaced with a 1.8m fence like the one in front of the bus stop at school. Many thanks to Haydn Blatch for organising this project and to our parents who donated their time and machinery.
Three policies were reviewed, with two being compliant and one not applicable.
Whanau have been invited to attend an informal evening where the School’s journeys in the area of Cultural Competency will be shared.
COVID-19 Register. The school will use the Toolkit Vaccine and Test Tracker to comply with Ministry of Health/Education regulations.
Year 8 Graduation. This will be held at Croydon Lodge, Gore.
After too many years to remember, Pam MacPherson has resigned from her position at Riversdale School, effective March 2022. Kay acknowledged Pam’s huge contribution to the school. She is extremely skilled and knowledgeable across every aspect of the school’s operation and it would be fair to say, will be impossible to replace. Her position is advertised in the Southland Times, Ensign, and at the end of this Newsletter.
The meeting closed at 9:40pm. Next meeting 06 December, 2021 at 8:00pm.
BMX Rider Visiting the School
A BMX expert rider is coming to school to perform for the children on Monday 22 November. He is making a You-Tube video that children can look back at to view his performances.
If you do not want your child to be in the video please let his/her teacher know by tomorrow, Friday 19 November, so they can be positioned away from where the video is taking place.
School Values Awards
At Riversdale School children are awarded House Points for displaying the school values of respectful, responsible and resilient. Children are working towards achieving values targets.

50 House Points = Bronze Values Award.
100 House Points = Silver Values Award.
150 House Points = Gold Values Award.
Congratulation to Emma, Sophie, Daisy, Jimmy, and Sam who have received their Bronze School Values Award for earning 50 House Points in 2021.
Congratulations to Charlie, James, Ryan, Liam, Priyah, Bailley, Stella and Zachary who received their Silver award for earning 100 House Points in 2021.

Congratulations to Hannah who received her Gold award for earning 150 House Points in 2021.

Values Certificates
We will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient, and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.
Room 1 - Lincoln, Stella C, Jayden.
Room 3 - Ashlyn, Priyah, Maisy.
Room 4 - Emma, Edie, Jimmy.
Room 5 - Zac, Leo, Lucy C.
Room 7 - Carter, Zyrhon, Ebony.
Christmas Items Needed
On Monday 6 December we are singing Christmas Carols at school and would like children to be in the Christmas spirit. Please send along any Christmas clothing or accessories you have, in a named bag, by Thursday 2 December. Some ideas include green/red clothing, Christmas pyjamas, Santa hats and headbands etc. Please do not go out and buy any. We will access something for children who don’t have any Christmas items.
Coming Up…
03 December - Teacher Only Day, school closed to children.
06 December - Board of Trustees meeting, 8:00pm at the school.
14 December - Year 8 Graduation., Croydon Lodge.
17 December - Reports sent home.
20 December - Last day of school for 2021. School finishes at 12.30pm. School buses
will run at this time, and town children will be sent home then.
7 February Waitangi Day – School closed.
8 February Teacher Only Day - School closed to children.
9 February First day of school for 2022.
Pool Update
The Pool Committee met on Wednesday evening. The heat pump project is progressing well, with Rayners installing the piping this coming Monday. The power has been changed from single phase to three phase. The concrete pad will be laid in preparation for the heat pump’s arrival in January (approximate date). There is a Pool Working Bee this Sunday at 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and help out. General cleaning and tidy-up work. Please bring brooms, buckets, and cleaning cloths, gloves etc. The mural will also be painted over, so if you have a paint brush or roller, please bring those along too.
The Pool Committee
thanks you all for your patience and support at this time.
The pool will be ‘fired up’, and once it reaches a ‘swimmable temperature’, it will open. Key sales will be at the Challenge Garage. Same cost ($80) as last year for a season key. Casual swimmers pay $2 per person. We hope for more of the gorgeous weather we have had to heat it quickly while waiting for the heat pump to arrive.
Riversdale School Office Administrator
Between 20 – 25 hours per week, depending on scope of role
Term time only position
We are seeking an Office Administrator who has a high skill level in all administration tasks, as well as financial management. School related knowledge would be an advantage, confidentiality, and a high level of communication (spoken, written, and computing) skills are required. The current role involves Board Secretary duties as well.
Please apply with a covering letter stating your strengths, Curriculum Vitae and the names of three referees to office@riversdale.school.nz. Applications close on Friday 10 December, 2021 at 5:00pm.