Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive
A huge thank you to all the parents and board members who came along on Saturday morning and removed the corner section of the hedge. Lindsay Roy was ‘the man on the machine!’ Super work Lindsay in getting the hedge out with no damage to our rhodos nor the footpath. It is a huge improvement to our school grounds to have this removed, as it lets in so much more light to this end of the school. It also is a significant improvement to the safety of our children and the public, as now the footpath is able to be used, and there is excellent visibility at the stop sign.
Board of Trustee news…
At the meeting of the Board on Monday evening, the following matters were discussed:
The roll is 111 lovely children.
We will be updating our learning support register so that it is formatted the same as the Ministry of Education model. This will be the common format used by all schools in our Community of Learners.
Looking ahead to 2020 – we have been accepted to participate in the Maori Achievement Collaborative (MAC) for the next three years. We are developing our local curriculum by aligning learning opportunities with what is available in our local area. The Board is seeking your input to the 2020 Charter, so if you have any suggestions, please pass them on to a Board member – Sonia Dillon, Richard Clarkson, Tyler McKee, Victoria Tremaine or Gavin Tayles, or let Kay Stevens know.
Self Review – Schooldocs is now online. You can locate any of our policies or procedures on this site.
Kay Stevens met with her appraiser on Thursday 7 November.
The pool is up and running. We need some fine weather prior to 2nd December to lift the temperature which is currently a chilly 19!
The financial report was accepted. The 2020 Draft Budget was tabled for the Board consideration. This will remain in draft format until the first meeting in 2020, so that changes can be made if necessary.
The Board discussed the review of Tomorrow’s Schools and the implications for them. The changes will happen across the next 5 - 10 years.
Riversdale School is not eligible to enter the Donations Scheme, as we are not within the Decile 1 - 7 range. Therefore, the status quo will remain – parents will be asked to pay for school camps and performing artists.
The Water Testing was clear.
Staffing for 2020. While Kay is on her Sabbatical study, Kimberley Harper will be Acting Principal. The Board is delighted to advise that Katie Blatch and Danielle Stiven (nee Hurley) will be teaching Kimberley’s class. They are sharing the teaching role, each doing 0.5. We are so fortunate to have these talented teachers return to Riversdale School, where they started at the beginning of their careers, and look forward to having them on the team.
A number of curriculum reports were tabled for review and discussion. Brief results are as follows, and the full reports are available at the office
STAR Reading Test. Results show a significant improvement from Term 1 to Term 3; Term 1: 19.2% above, Term 3: 29% above. Term 1: 41.2% At, Term 3: 55% At. Term 1: 27.3% Working Towards, Term 3: 14.5% Working Towards. Term 1: 12.3% Below, Term 3: 1.4% Below. This is due to exceptional teaching by our great team.
Basic Facts. In Term 3: 16% are Above, 39% are At, 27% are Working Towards and 18% are Below expected levels. We need parents help in having a big push this term to move more children out of the Below and Working Towards band to be at the expected level. Basic facts are critical to all maths learning.
PAT Maths Years 4 - 8. There were super shifts in the data from Term 1 to Term 3 for this snapshot. Term 1: 10% above, Term 3 31% above. Term 1: 54% at, Term 3 52% at. Term 1: 29% Working Towards, Term 3: 15% Working Towards. Term 1: 7% Below, Term 3: 2% Below. Again these improvements are due to the professional development undertaken by teachers and their superb teaching.
Visual Arts. 2% were Above level, 76% were At expected level, 17% were Working Towards and 5% were Below. This was an overall teacher judgement of the portrait work done in Term 1.
Health – Healthy Relationships. 17% of children were Working Towards, 81% were At and 2% were Above the expected level. This was based on an overall teacher judgement of the work completed at the beginning of the year. It reflects the very good relationships that exist in the school between staff and children.
Science – Planet Earth and Beyond. 1% were Above, 78.5% were At, 17% were Working Towards and 4% were Below expected levels. This was based on an overall teacher judgement against this strand in the NZ Curriculum.
Social Studies – Culture and Heritage. This data was collected from our super culture and heritage unit of work at the end of Term 3. 2% were Above, 61% were At, 24% were Working Towards and 13% were Below the expected level, based on an overall teacher judgement against learning outcomes from the NZ Curriculum.
The playground has a new cargo net and ropes have been attached to the circular swing-thing, which is proving very popular!
The meeting closed at 10:10pm. The last Board meeting for the year is on Monday 9th December at 8pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Production Evenings…

The show will start at 6.30pm, so children will need to be dropped off at the Community Centre at 6pm so that they can get into their costumes. All children (including boys) need to come with foundation on. The main cast will need to be at the Community Centre at 5.45pm so that they can be mic-ed up, dressed up, made up and ready to perform.
WANTED: Black dress pants and white shirts to fit 11 - 13 year olds for production. If you do have any that we could borrow, could you please name and send along to school. Thank you.
Production Stage Set Up
We need strong folk to set up the extended stage at the Community Centre on Sunday 8th December at 4pm. Please bring crescents, drills, and plenty of muscle! It usually takes about an hour to set it up, all going well. Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.

Swimming Timetable Term 4 Weeks 8/9
The whole school swims every day for 2 weeks from 2nd December to 13th December. Below is the timetable for each class. Parent helpers would be greatly appreciated at any time. If you are available at any of these times, please let the teacher of the class know.
Room 7 - 10:00am until 10:40am. Room 1 - 10:40am until 11:20am. Room 6 - 11:20am until 12 noon. Room 4 - 12 noon until 12:30pm. Room 5 - 12:30pm until 1:00pm.
School Sores
These are around about. Please keep an eye out, and take your child to the Doctor. Children may return to school after the sores have dried up, or 24 hours after you have commenced antibiotic treatment.
Coming Up This Term….
Thursday 21 November - Four teams go to the Southland Golf Tournament.
Thursday 28 November - Jack from Cricket Southland is taking sessions with children from 9.00am - 12.30pm.
Friday 29 November - Teacher Only Day, School closed.
Monday 2 December - Swimming lessons with qualified instructor commence. Children swim daily for next 2 weeks.
Monday 9 December - Board of Trustees meeting at 8pm.
Friday 13 December - School reports, class lists and stationery lists sent home.
Monday 16 December - Year 8 Graduation in the school hall. 7pm.
Wednesday 18 December - Great School Water fight at 2.15pm. Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive 6pm.
Thursday 19 December - Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive at 6pm. School books will be sent home today.
Friday 20 December - Last school day for 2019. School buses run at 12.30pm and town children will be sent home at this time. Children only need to bring morning tea.
Home and School - Baking Mixes
Thanks for those that have sold their allocation and sent their baking mixes order into school already. Please return forms and bank money by next Thursday, 28th November. We won’t be making any spare mixes and are placing the order for ingredients on 28th November, so please make sure your order form is returned to school ASAP.
We’re in need of some parent volunteers for packing (putting the dry ingredients into bags), it’s super easy! Packing will be Wednesday 4th December 7pm - 9pm, and Thursday 5th December 9am - 11am and 7pm - 9pm. You will be able to take your order home from packing to save a trip to school to collect. If you can help, even if it’s just for an hour or so, please RSVP to Kylie Tayles on 027 2234230.
If anyone is doing online shopping at Countdown next week can you please keep your brown paper bags and drop to the office, we will use them to pack your baking mixes in to send home smaller orders with kids on 6th December.
School Photos
Remember to return your photo orders by the end of this week please.
Growing Stars
Growing Stars is a workshop for children to help them manage and understand the emotional impact of having a learning difficulty coming from a learning difference.
Parent workshop - Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 7pm.
Children’s workshop – Tuesday 21st January and Wednesday 22nd January 2020, 8.45am to 12.30pm both days.
Venue: Tanner Room, Windsor Community Church, 19 Windsor Street, Invercargill.
To Register contact support@learningdifferences.org.nz