Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive
Swimming Programmes starting…
Our REAP instructor starts daily swimming with all classes next week, from Monday. The timetable is below. Please put an extra sandwich in your child’s lunchbox for their morning tea, as they get very hungry with this extra activity. All children MUST BRING THEIR TOGS AND TOWEL EVERY DAY. This daily swimming is what makes such a difference to their progress. If there is a reason they are not to swim, then a note must be brought from home, written and signed by a parent. Otherwise we have spare togs and towels here at school that children can ‘borrow’ to swim with. Water safety is critical when we live so close to rivers, lakes and the ocean, and this is why we insist that children participate in this great programme. The school pays for each child to attend every lesson, so please show your support by sending along their togs every day.
Room 7 - 10:00am until 10:40am. Room 1 - 10:40am until 11:20am. Room 6 - 11:20am until 12 noon. Room 4 - 12 noon until 12:30pm. Room 5 - 12:30pm until 1:00pm.
Just a Heads Up….
The Years 7 and 8 camp in 2020 will be to Deep Cove in the last week of Term 1, 5th - 9th April (yes, we do go in on a Sunday). It is expected to cost approximately $200.00 per child (and the same for an adult). This allows your child plenty of time to fund raise for their camp should they wish to.
The Year 5 and 6 camp venue and date is still to be confirmed.
Library Closing
The school library will close next week on Tuesday 3 December. This is so Mrs Wing can do the annual stock-take. PLEASE RETURN ALL SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS between now and this date. Books that are not returned will be invoiced to you. We are also very delighted when all school readers and journals are returned. Now is a great chance to have a big search of the house and bedrooms, and get all books back to us. THANK YOU.
Production Stage Set Up
We need strong folk to set up the extended stage at the Community Centre on Sunday 8th December at 4pm. Please bring crescents, drills, and plenty of muscle! It usually takes about an hour to set it up, all going well. Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.
Coming Up This Term….
Thursday 28 November - Jack from Cricket Southland is taking sessions with children from 9.00am - 12.30pm.
Friday 29 November - Teacher Only Day – School closed.
Monday 2 December - Swimming lessons with qualified instructor commence. Children swim daily for next 2 weeks.
Tuesday 3 December- Library is closed. Return all books to school.
Monday 9 December - Board of Trustees meeting at 8pm.
Friday 13 December - School reports, class lists and stationery lists sent home.
Monday 16 December - Year 8 Graduation in the school hall. 7pm.
Wednesday 18 December - Great School Water fight at 2.15pm.
Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive 6pm.
Thursday 19 December - Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive at 6pm. School books will be sent home today.
Friday 20 December - Last school day for 2019. School buses run at 12.30pm and town children will be sent home at this time. Children only need to bring morning tea.
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day.
Friday 7 February - First school day for children in 2020.
Chicken Pox
This is ‘around’. Symptoms are fever and spots with a blister on top. The time between exposure and sickness is 10 – 12 days. Please keep your child at home for 1 week from the appearance of the spots/rash or until the blisters have dried.
Home and School Updates – Baking Mixes
Forms and money need to be returned by TODAY, Thursday 28th November (Friday 29th is Teachers Only Day).
Packing (putting the dry ingredients into bags) will be Wednesday 4th December 7pm - 9pm, and Thursday 5th December 9am - 11am and 7 - 9pm. It would be great to see as many volunteers as we did last year and hopefully we can get through most of the packing on the Wednesday evening. If you can help please RSVP to Kylie Tayles on 027 2234230.
School Photos
Today is the last day for school photo orders to be returned to school. If you missed this cut-off, please take your order to Donald Buckley’s in Gore (who will pass it on to Geoff) or deliver or post it directly to Geoff Horrell.
Golf - This team won the putting competition at the Southland Golf Competition last week. Well done.