Welcome: Shameka Pelesco
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive
Swimming Programmes entering our second week…

This morning our REAP instructor and I had a conversation about the temperature of the swimming pool. It has been decided that the remaining week of lessons will be taken starting 17th February, 2020. She will not be coming tomorrow and will make this day up some time in February.
Library Closed
Books that are not returned will be invoiced to you. We are also very delighted when all school readers and journals are returned. Now is a great chance to have a big search of the house and bedrooms, and get all books back to us.
THANK YOU. Thank you to Mr Wing who came along and helped Mrs Wing with the big job of stock-taking our library. Teachers have received lists of outstanding books, however there are a large number of books that have not been scanned out of the library, which effectively means that they are being stolen. Please return all library and school books to school.
Production Stage Set Up
We need strong folk to set up the extended stage at the Community Centre this Sunday 8th December at 4pm. Please bring crescents, drills, and plenty of muscle! It usually takes about an hour to set it up, all going well. Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.
Coming Up This Term….
Sunday 8 December - Stage up at Community Centre 4pm – helpers please.
Monday 9 December - Board of Trustees meeting at 8pm.
Friday 13 December - School reports, class lists and stationery lists sent home.
Monday 16 December - Year 8 Graduation in the school hall starting at 7pm.
Wednesday 18 December - Great School Water fight at 2.15pm. Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive 6pm.
Thursday 19 December - Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive at 6pm.
School books will be sent home today.
Friday 20 December - Last school day for 2019. School buses run at 12.30pm and town children will be sent home at this time. Children only need to bring morning tea.
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day. School closed.
Friday 7 February - First school day for children in 2020. 9am start.
Forsyth Barr Stadium Grass Spreading
Dylan at the grass spreading at Forsyth Barr Stadium. Participants walked through the player tunnel on to the field, and spread the grass seed.
Baking Mixes
Thanks to the volunteers who have come to pack mixes, we have managed to pack them all already so won’t be needed Thursday evening.
Collection - Orders that are light enough to carry will be sent home with children this week. Larger orders can be collected after school on Friday 6th, or early next week from the office.
The Home and School will be doing hamper and prize raffles on production nights. For the hampers, we would ask if each family could please kindly donate 2 items from any of the following categories to go in the hampers - Sweet and Savoury, Regifting, Home and Garden or Health and Beauty. There will be a box in the office - please send items to school next week 9 – 13th December.
There will be an awesome kids kayak to be raffled off each night, as well as the hampers and other prizes. Please bring cash for raffles (which can be purchased as you enter the Community Centre) and for the small admission fee on the night.

Prime Lamb and Calf Competition
February 21st, 2020
Riversdale School receives half the proceeds of this major fundraiser.
Previous suppliers will be contacted. For new entrants please contact: Lambs (set of 3 = most dollars on kill sheet wins) – Murray (Curly) Napier 021 475853, Calf (most dollars/heaviest wins) – Greg Reed 027 2764410.
Calf collection day Monday 17th February/Lambs Tuesday 18th.
Great prizes and family BBQ evening!
The Annual Riversdale Vintage Tractor Club Christmas Parade
this Sunday 8 December from about 2:30pm
Growing Stars Workshop January 2020 – for children with learning differences.
Parent workshop - Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 7pm.
Children’s workshop – Tuesday 21st January and Wednesday 22nd January 2020 8.45am to 12.30pm both days.
Venue: Tanner Room, Windsor Community Church, 19 Windsor Street, Invercargill. Register by contacting Chris Cole at support@learningdifferences.org.nz
to register please complete this registration form. Return the form to support@learningdifferences.org.nz or to 39 Swinton Street, Invercargill.
Your child’s place is confirmed once payment has been received. Payment details are on the registration form.